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July 27, 2007

Don’t want to be in hiatus mode

Hey I’m back! *lol Almost 2 months din akong nawala sa blogging world and I’m glad I’m back. Yeah! So what kept me busy for the past 2 months? My internship!!! I’m spending my 6-month internship in San Miguel Information Technology Services (SMITS) a.k.a. San Miguel in Mandaluyong. Quite far from my home, right? Anyways, working in a real environment is no joke at all. We have bosses. We have lots of deadlines. We also do clerical stuffs. Whether we like it or not we should do it because it’s part of our grade evaluation. Oh, did I mention that I had a hard time programming in VB.Net? Well guess what? The system that I’m working on right now uses VB.Net. (-_-) and for the past 2 months, I must say na gumagaling na ako sa VB.Net! Yehey! *lol

San Miguel

Going home around 6pm is not a great idea. Rush hour kasi.

The result of boredom. Picture picture muna with my classmates