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March 20, 2007

WANTED: Interns

I got a call from Computer Associates (CA) last week and they scheduled me for an interview. I got a text message from San Miguel Information Technology Service (SMITS) last week scheduling me for an interview the following day after my interview in CA. Here’s a winning answer in an interview.

Interviewer: Do you expect any allowance?

pauL: Since internship is part of our curriculum, gaining experience and exposure would suffice but if your company will offer me an allowance I will freely accept it. (nosebleed! *lol)

Computer Associates, Makati City

San Miguel Information Technology Service, Mandaluyong City

March 10, 2007

I Dare You!

My classmates and I were just having a ‘joke time’ until we dared each other to try the rappelling activity held on the 10th floor of our school (It’s our college week so there were lots of activities). The next thing we knew we were signing a waiver form. The next scenes were captured so watched the videos.

Wanna try?

March 04, 2007


I won 1st place in our bowling competition yesterday at SM Megamall. Awarding will be on Friday. ^_^