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June 28, 2005

P.E. = Bowling = FUN!

At last we started our first bowling class. You can actually choose in ice skating or bowling class and I choose bowling. I had so much fun and guess what I made a strike! I’m so happy that day my mom noticed it. She told me that I got it from my dad. My dad is really good in that field. Bowling is now a part of my favorite sports. I can for our next bowling class. =)

One of the basic positions in bowling.

June 25, 2005

Refresh me!

I went to our church last night to attend the practice. I admit that I’m not feeling well spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. Well this song helped me to reflect on things that are happening.

Heaven is my throne
And earth is my footstool
Where is the house you will build for me?
Whom of you will hear the cry of my heart?
Where will my resting place be?
Here oh Lord,
Have I prepared for you a home
Long have I
Desired for you to dwell
Here oh Lord,
Have I prepared a resting place
Here oh Lord,
I wait for you alone

Father forgive me. Forgive me for hurting your feelings. Cleanse me with your blood and strengthen me like the eagles. Same as David, this is my prayer:

“Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.”
~ Psalms 139: 23-24

Fire exit from the 11th floor of our school.

June 18, 2005

I miss my blog!

I know it’s been quite some time when I lasted posted an entry in my blog. I hope you miss my entries ‘cause I really do miss them. Why did it take a long time to post another entry? Because it’s school season again. There are lots of projects, assignments, activities, meetings, reporting, etc. Aside from school, I’m also very busy in our church activities like making a special presentation for our daddies out there! Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there especially to my dad! Love you dad! Anyways, I promise to be consistent in putting entries in my blog despite the pressure and stress all around me. In a way, making an entry here is one of the ways you get can out from all that ‘stress’. It's good to be back!

She's only my former classmate, Katherine.

My classmate Cha insisted me to post this picture. Cha here's our picture!

June 05, 2005

New Profession?

A friend of mine in our church hired me as a photographer for his antique business. I immediately said yes ‘cause I love taking pictures. He sells old navigational items. It’s my first time to see those kinds of items so I was absolutely amazed. Of course he paid for helping him in his business. If you want to hire me, just inform me! :)

PRICE: $ 4,500.00

PRICE: $ 400.00

PRICE: $ 1,000.00

June 03, 2005

New Chapter of School Life

Hey guys! It’s school season again and I’m sure most of you excited. Actually our class started last Wednesday, June 1, 2005. I’m so excited to go to school everyday. I don’t know why but there’s always a feeling of excitement whenever I wake up. My prayer for this term is that I may excel more in academic matters and that God will give me someone to disciple. They say that the agony starts at 2nd year. I think I'm ready 'cause I have a powerful God!

Our first prof. started our class with an activity. Make a highest and firm tower using 25 pcs. of straws.

Bored with all the computations?

Bored with all the computations?

Walking along Magallanes with my 'partner in all crimes', Anthony.